I'm told the temps are going up to 80 F. by the weekend. Hello flies! Banties will go to work I'm sure. Hmmmmm, good. Chickens love those flies. Off to work to take a bus to Ashley's services with the students who managed to get permission slips in. Makes me want to hug my own kids but they're so far away. I used to think I would lose Eric in a motorcycle accident and would pray, just let him live to 20, then, just let him live to 25, then I figured he would be around for a while! When he reached 30 I relaxed! Then it was AJ in the Army, then it was Mia being sick all the time. Oh, Motherhood! And my students...teachers are surrogate mothers, and in my educational setting, sometimes we're all they've got. I have to do more at night and this weekend. Last night I did little more than sew on the gorgeous buttons Mia and I made when she last visited. I've been making myself go to bed by 11:30. Don't want to get sick like I did at Rhinebeck last fall. I want to have FUN, FUN, FUN in Maryland. I got Miss Jane on the phone and checked our reservations. She runs the Strawberry Inn in New Market, filled with hooked rugs, brass beds, antiques, quilts and faux painting. I've gone there so many years it feels like home. All I need are sheep on the lawn...
We could buy a sheep when we are down there LOL. How about rabbits in the bedrooms????
And here I thought that I was the only one afflicted with parental paranoia.
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