Had such a good night sleep I can't believe it. I made my strong, foamy coffee then took the doggies out in my flannel nightie with boots and big Carhartt coat. Got outside and was blasted by the wind and wished I had my bunny scarf wrapped around my head and neck. Tried to build a fire in the wood stove but the wind blew the smoke back at me and I gave up. I'm going to have to rent a lift to get yet another section of smoke stack up top. Matt got up and turned the heat on, which I turned off when he went back to sleep. The electric company got too much of my money this winter. It will get warmer in the apt. as I cook and move around. I was sewing late then caught the first few minutes of SNL, which wasn't very funny, and I don't know a lot of the young hip bands they have on. I went to the SNL studio once for a filming and DAVID BOWIE was performing. Now THAT was a thrill!! But David Bowie is getting on in years and so am I. I've found that kids are fascinated with the 1960's but not the people who lived the 60's because they are dinosaurs now. The rumor went around the school that my principal was celebrating her 50th birthday. When I saw how horrified she was when hearing we thought she was turning 50 (she was 47 and that was bad enough) I thought, oh, wow, old is really uncool. But time marches on and they will be old someday and don't want to be confronted with the fact. It's inevitable that it will happen to them and they want to enjoy being young, or being oblivious about it. I have no problem with that. My sheep don't care how old I am as long as I take good care of them and they'll take care of me.
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