Back to school today. Mothers jump for joy, teachers weep. I hate to leave the farm. I want to stay in my barn, where I live with the sheep, and work on my business. Alas, Matt's new career that he is totally absorbed with does not provide any health benefits for me. Not any. Just my luck. So it's get my butt in gear and give all my little, and big, friends some food and get the heck outta here...and worry and pray all day that nothing terrible happens while I'm gone. I had a gorgeous week...OMIGOSH! There's angora on the drying rack outside that I forgot about! Better get out there 'cause it's going to start raining any second. There is a TON of newly cut soap on the rack giving the apartment a lovely aroma. How I'm going to get it wrapped in time for Sheep and Wool I don't know. I went to WM yesterday to buy myself a new pair of pants and a couple of shirts for my "spring wardrobe." Wouldn't you know, it will be cold and rainy with some snow all week. That's okay, suits my mood. Better get going...
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