Yes, I am a Cold War Kid. Cold War Kids know what Failsafe means. When pilots take off on a mission to drop the bomb they cut off radio contact. No information can get in. Their focus is on completing the mission, and they won't think about anything else. I am almost on failsafe. Mia understands what failsafe is. When she was getting ready to take her nursing license boards she went into failsafe. The world could be falling apart all around us but we can't let go of the mission. Once I get out of work tomorrow I am going into failsafe. Throw the stuff in the trailer and get on the road. Matt came home with my new NY commercial plates on - only took three years - but now I am all systems go. Last year I had a weeks notice that I got into Maryland, after years of trying, and I went into a panic trying to get up enough product. I did not even have a whole box of soap. This year I have eight boxes of soap and forty bags. I'm making creme tonight. I picked up my entry into the photo contest from the framer today. It's my "Princess of the Flowers" picture. Kelly brought her soap into school today, Candace has some, Susan Carr has some, and I'm bringing the Tea Tree with me to wrap in the truck and at the B&B. John Erlinger called from Frankenmuth to touch base about dropping off the roving. He says it's very beautiful, especially the 50 pound run I gave him last fall. That's the purply/teal/red run. The others are colbalt blue, red, yellow and orange/yellow. I'm very excited. He also told me not to give him any short staple Merino without other longer, stronger fibers to mix with it. No problem there. I'm bringing him a big run to give me back at Rhinebeck, saving on shipping, but the Merino run won't be ready. I'll be working on that over the summer. Better get some dinner ready then clean off the counters for creme making. Heather, my friend Rebecca's daughter, sent me some samples of the soap she made. It was such a thrill to receive it. So nice to know I inspired a young person to make soap. It's the gift that keeps on giving...Speaking of gifts. I had something so lovely happen to me this morning. When I got into my room this morning I found a little white bag with a container inside. The note was from my friend Sharon Winans, the special ed. dept. secretary. She had spent the weekend in Marblehead, Mass., and was planning on going in the ocean. I told her to play in the ocean for me, as I adore the beach and hardly ever get there. She brought the beach to me! Inside the container was some salt water, a clam shell, a mussel shell and a live snail! The card said "Sniff the beach - from Marblehead, Mass." I was too thrilled and feel so fortunate to have such a thoughtful friend. Thank you, Sharon! You are Toot Sweet!
YEAH!! I get to wrap soap too :) I've been feeling very left out -living so far away. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!
I hope you will have something left over on Sunday. Have fun.
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