Vacation starts tomorrow at 3 PM. Just in time before I lose my mind. This job business is much too confining and constricting. I want to stay home on the farm. My animals are so uncomplicated and forgiving. They think I'm fantastic, especially when I show up with a sack of feed or bale of hay. After being home for a while and playing with my dogs I came to my senses and decided the only way I could keep all these critters with full bellies would be to keep my job and make the best of it. One nice thing happened today. While in the cafeteria for my early morning duty I saw Laurie passing a card around to sign for someone's birthday. When I went to sign it I saw that it was an old Maggie's Farm photo notecard called Shearing Day, with big bags of wool gathered together. I was really flattered, and inspired to get more cards made of my photos. I haven't made new cards since I moved to New York! I've also picked out three recent farm photos to enter into the Maryland Sheep and Wool photo festival. I won a first a few years back and have better pictures now. A pretty little snow was falling all day without sticking, and it's cold outside. When I saw the full moon it all made sense. No wonder I'm losing it. There's a lot going on today. It's the beginning of Pesach, or Passover, and also the Jewish Holiday of the Sun, which only comes every 28 years. The sun is in the same position it was on the day of creation. Very cool. Passover is a wonderful Jewish holiday. If you ever watched Charlton Heston and the Ten Commandments movie as a kid, you know the whole story of Passover, with the plagues and the escape from Egypt. If I wasn't going crazy with getting ready for the biggest sheep show of the year I would make a seder. Gotta go with the ebb and flow of the tide - it's the moon thing again. Craziness all around.
Maggie I understand how you feel. You're amazing you do good things in every aspect of your life...no fear...what would I do without someone who knew about spinning to talk to. Wait...you got me into spinning. I told Steve this afternoon if it weren't for the recession I'd leave BOCES and the crap behind. He's like ok well we have you for 2 more years! You make it worth it. I forgot about the sun thing...I was going to bring it up in class today. Shoot! I am disappointed.
Enjoy your break Maggie. We still have one more week until our April vacation.....I am not sure if I can make it that long.
Cute pic of the baby bunnies....I haven't gotten brave enough to breed mine yet.
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