Okay, the lost package of soap making supplies (almost $200 worth) has been found - at my local post office! When I went to get my mail today, Barb, our Brookfield Post Master, said she had a "surprise" for me. I was expecting more fabric from Carol Crayonbox in Freeville and was anxious to see what she picked out for me. I wasn't expecting to find the Rainbow Meadow package, which I thought I would have to place a claim for. The driver said he had dropped it off "at the side door" but told Barb he couldn't find where I lived and dropped it with her instead. Go figure! Now I can make soap all weekend, and sew on more gorgeous fabric. What heaven! The other good news....I've been accepted to Colorscape Chenango!! Colorscape is a fine arts and crafts festival in downtown Norwich where my school is located. I've wanted to apply for the last two years but something always came up and I missed the application deadline. I was determined this year to get it in on time. It's a miracle the CD of my products that I prepared opened properly in front of the jury, but it must have worked sufficiently to show them what I can do. Now I can haul my trailer 25 miles instead of hundreds to do a classy show. I will be at space #30 in the park, which the director says is a "good spot." See you there!
AWESOME!!! Way to go MAGGIE!!!!
and crew
Oh I'll be there! I think i've been to every single colorscape ever. It is one of my favorite things about Norwich and getting to see my friend with her fabulous stuff can only make it better. Perhaps you'll be near Norm Hall if he comes back this year...I know you'd like that!
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