It's been a tough week at school. One would think, after having a week off, that we (teachers) would be totally refreshed and eager to take on whatever the little (or big) darlings could throw at us. Well, that might last a day or two. Today, Friday, that feeling is gone. All remnants of vacation bliss are no more. I don't think it's appropriate to discuss specific incidents but suffice it to say a trick was played on me yesterday that was a little disconcerting. It had to do with a student hiding and letting me think she disappeared. The kids thought it was hilarious. I didn't. No more baking cookies and playing games. It's the dreaded Regents Prep for them! Hah! Anyhow, today is a new day. Clean blackboard (or Smartboard - TM) every day is my M.O. I better get this show on the road. I woke up with the realization that if I don't bring soap to school for people to wrap over the weekend for me I'm sunk...and I don't have it ready to bring to school. I have to find a container, fabric, and labels (kindly printed by Carol Crayonbox). I was up late working on bags. Lots of little things like covering the cedar bottom inserts with fabric, etc. I found one bag in pieces and decided to put it together. I'm not cutting out any more bags before Maryland. Gotta get ready for work. Sitting here at the desk is not getting anything done, except getting stuff off my chest. Feels better already.
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