Oh, it's so beautiful outside. Wish I could lie on my back on the hillside and soak in the sun. Not two weeks before a big show, just can't do it. What I did do, rather unintended, was spread a big dark fleece on the hood of the Jeep to skirt and pick. Got it in the washing machine. My dye pot is cooking part of a miserable little lamb fleece that was so fine but covered with a layer of felted dirt and filthy inside too. A clean fleece is indeed a joy to behold and work with. My mind is scattered with too many things but once I get ahold of a fleece and start handling that wool it straightens me right out. The chicken in the hay mow with chicks looks alright. Every time I climb the ladder to check on her she's got her babies tucked under to warm them. Good Mommie! I wanted to order more hens from Murry McMurry Hatchery but after a half hour on their site getting my order done most of what I wanted was unavailable. I'm going to be happy with what I have, my lovely little Banties. I can get big gorgeous eggs from Mary across the valley. I'm back inside making soap but now I'm tired. Running around with chores then messing with wool standing up for so long has done me in, but I can't be done in. That's the nice thing about sewing, it can be done sitting down. Matt is on his way to Yonkers to visit AJ at the seminary, then to the Bronx to teach lead-safe weatherizing. This morning they had a "Train the Trainer" session. A certified teacher, who was laid off after ten years at his district, came in to critique their presentations and give them pointers. One trainer with Matt's outfit did "You can be a marathon runner, too." One did something on vacation photo storage. Matt, in typical Matt Redmond fashion, did "Care and Maintenance of your Negative Pressure Safety Mask" or something like that. I asked him if he was told he sounds too ghetto. He said the people he teaches weatherization to are very ghetto so he fits right in. Got a point there. Glad he's so into his new career. Speaking of careers, my oils and lye might be cool enough to combine now. Then I might lie down for a few minutes. I have to go into town to buy some more half gallons of milk for soap molds. Can't seem to keep enough on hand these days. My Sunburst Bottle Company order came. Gretchen turned me on to them. The 2 ounce jars are fantastic. Now I can make hand creme! (After lying down for ten minutes I think...)
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