Yikes, it's true. It's on tape! Obama really did bow to King Abdullah. I was hoping that maybe his shoe was untied and he quickly dipped down to tie it. The conservative Dem-bashing Fox network is going wild. I don't like the looks of that either. He hardly nodded his presidential head to Queen Elizabeth, symbolic head of a democratic government, but he downright kow-towed the Muslim leader of a country where women are not allowed to vote or drive. Hmmmm. Nope, I don't like it. Granted, the Bushes held Abdullah's hand, kissed him on the cheek, and spent gazillions of dollars and American lives protecting his oil deposits, but I thought O. had more class. I can see the political ads in 3 years when O. runs for re-election. That footage will reappear big time. Let's see, what else? Pirates holding the captain of an American vessel headed for Africa with food relief??? Nope, don't like that either. Send in the Navy commandos to swim under the boat and climb over the side, slitting the captor's throats from behind as the captain breaks free. Maybe I've been watching too many James Bond movies lately. I don't like those pirates messing around with relief shipments to starving people. Where's the Big Stick? Yes, the Big Stick is there in the form of warships, but getting him out alive is another thing. And the worst news I've seen in a long time - Canadians clubbing baby seals on the ice!!!???? Brutal slaughter of the innocents. I wish the ice opened up and swallowed those murderers. I confess I thought the seal hunt was over years ago, but there was the footage on TV. Lord save us, what barbaric creatures we are. A mother seal will mourn over the skinned carcass of her baby for weeks. There I was, in Wal-Mart yesterday, trying to figure out where the frozen fish sticks I wanted to buy came from. The Humane Society says to boycott all Canadian Fishing Industry products to protest the seal hunt. I couldn't find where the fish sticks came from so I put it down. My, am I the opinionated one this morning. You might think I have too much time on my hands. Quite the contrary. I think I'm going to turn off the news and make soap...lots of soap to wash away the sins of the world. That would take a LOT of soap...
1 comment:
Maggie that roving you gave me yesterday is amazing! It spins up into this ocean like color. I love it. I have 2 skeins drying right now. Thanks!!
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