I was proud to be a member of the BOCES family today. Teachers, administrators and students piled into a fleet of little vans and busses to attend Ashley's funeral in Sidney. The weather was delightful with gentle breezes to dry the multitude of tears. The white casket surrounded by bouquets of pink flowers was appropriately representative of the youthful remains it carried. There were pictures to remind us of the big smile and shining eyes we would enjoy no longer. Ashley will be forever frozen in our minds and hearts as young and beautiful, vibrant and joyful. We forgot to recognize Earth Day when we came back from the services...but Kristin's birthday cake was frosted and ready to cut and eat. It seemed a "life affirming" thing to do - and got everyone laughing and chatting again. On the way home I stopped for chick feed, and cat food. I found the "grapefruit seed extract" I needed for my Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme in a cute herbal pharmacy in downtown Norwich. It just happened to be across the street from the Salvation Army Thrift Shop, and I remembered that Wednesday is 1/2 price day. So there I was, going up and down the aisles of the cast off clothing. Low and behold, I found Mia a gorgeous Ralph Lauren, 100% silk, lined, pink, purple and green plaid sleeveless shift - size 8! I got myself a couple of moo-moo hippie dresses including a tie-dyed wild one. What fun.
Oh, Maggie. This is so hard. But now it is my turn to say "Please take good care of yourself".
Thank you Henya. Life is so short and precious. Hug your little ones for me.
Will do.
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