While doing chores last night I went out the east end of the barn to look for Chris, my llama, and there she was, lying on the ground. Somehow I knew she wasn't resting this time. Chris was very nervous, dancing all around her, wondering why she wasn't getting up. It was pitch black dark with no moon and brilliant stars. My headlight showed me everything I needed to see. Dulce has been with me ever since I started in sheep. She came from Ohio and was a registered "Natural Colored" ewe. Dulce has given me beautiful lambs every year prior to this one. My photo of Dulce peeking out a barn window won a second place ribbon at Maryland several years back. I'll miss my old friend. I'm glad she went peacefully. I think she was following the flock out to enjoy the lovely weather and just stopped.
I'm sorry about Dulce. I know she loved you as much as you loved her.
Somehow I think her last thoughts were about the lovely new grass starting to grow and all her friends around her.
She's at peace ...........
I am so sorry! She was beautiful!!! just think of what a happy sheep life you gave her!!
I'm sorry to read of Dulce's passing. I'm sure you did give her a wonderful time with you, as Miaaviva said.
Maybe she was just moving on to a bigger adventure outside the farm. Girls gotta grow up and leave home sometime, and Dulce did...making room for some other little life that needs a place with you.
BIG HUGs.. What a beautiful end though for a wonderful sheep. You could do no more for her here on earth -she's now a "cloud sheep" in the sky.
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