And to think I used to accumulate sick days - before sheep that is. I even left unused sick days at my old school in New Jersey. It's snowing hard and fast in Brookfield. I was afraid to go to Norwich in this weather and not be able to get home to the farm. There are brand new babies in the barn and with Matt gone all week, well, it's scary. I have to go out there now and somehow get Lola trimmed enough so Ray Davies can find the teat. She is pawing at the ground and moving him back to where her udder is, which is precisely how moms get their kids to nurse. Trouble is, her udder is concealed with a ton of thick mohair. Yes, I know, she should have been trimmed prior to kidding, but here we are. "My bad" as they say around here. I'm thinking I will tie her to a stanchion post and straddle her while I trim. Lola is a mean old goat - good thing she is so beautiful. This will be interesting - another chapter in the story that is Maggie's Farm.
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