A storm is headed this way. Four to eight tomorrow. I have to get in to work tomorrow. IEP's are due (individual educational plans) for my students. I have a long list this year, just like last year. Some teachers have only 4,5 or 6 but I have more than a dozen, maybe 14 or 15. It's tough to collect all the info from teachers, parents, etc. and apply it to the template on the computer program during the day when the kids are there. It requires staying late, and, with lambs and wedding, guess who didn't stay late to work on IEP's? I've got a good dent in it but quite a bit to do tomorrow. We received an email from the top warning us to have them in by end of day tomorrow. Robin will help keep the kids busy while I finish up and get them printed. I'm sure there will be revisions required. The IEP's will be examined at the annual review with the student's Committee on Special Education, what they call Child Study Team in New Jersey. Sometimes they don't like what I have to say, but I tell it like it is. IEP's contain all the accomodations and modifications the students need to succeed in the classroom and are legal documents. We'll see how it goes. Meanwhile, I have three lambs on bottles with two who have mothers and would like to be on bottles. They are so cute. I sit on the floor of the barn and the lambs jump all over me. It's easier to feed them standing up as I can hold a bottle between my knees while holding the other two in my hands. In a couple of weeks I'll start watering down the bottles and encouraging them to eat more hay. Bella went to work with Matt today and was quite a hit in the office. I'm not surprised - she is absolutely precious. Speaking of lambs it's time for their evening feeding and the moms are hungry. I find myself looking around for Lydia Burdick, my 200 year old ghost. Kim told me she saw Thor run to the middle of the barn with his hair up, growling. Then he ran back to her. I've seen him do that behavior before and thought he must have heard something outside. But why run to the middle of the barn instead of to the barn door? Hmmmmm. She won't reveal herself to me if she doesn't want to and I am not going to try to draw her out. Let sleeping ghosts lie is my M.O., unless she wants to help with chores!
Ciao for now.
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