I knew snow was forecast but a snow day was too much to hope for. This storm came up from the south and was headed for Norwich, maybe that was a factor. They don't seem to close when the storms come from the north and hit my area first. I've often driven in awful conditions to arrive at work and it's not bad at all there. I took my time doing chores and pulled some sweaters off as it's 50 F. in the barn. Heat wave! It's not good to be warm in the barn as the sheep can come down with pneumonia. I'll open up the way back today so the sheep not in the maternity ward can go out the back and play in the snow. I have three more ewes to deliver, I think, maybe four. That's okay - I'll have babies to play with longer. I counted 23 live lambs in the barn this morning and six goat kids. Only two does, sadly, and goats can't be wethered as they will not grow horns. I like horns on my goats so I can grab and hold on to them easier. I have LOTS of gorgeous black ram lambs - so beautiful I will wether them I think and keep them for wool. I like to dye the black wool purple, then add some vibrant colors, ex.- my Pacifica run from last year which sold very well. Matt is working from home today. I'm hoping he will take me to the movies tonight to see The King's Speech. Matt is feeling very chipper today as he has two big trips coming up. The State of Arkansas has appealed to NY Weatherization to come to their state and teach Mobile Home Weatherization, which Matt pioneered in NY State. They are paying Matt's agency a thousand dollars a day, plus expenses for Matt to spend a week there. He comes home to wash his clothes then heads out to San Francisco for an energy conference, then an extended visit with his son, Sean. More chocolates on his pillow. Nice work if you can get it. I'm happy for him, and me, as I don't have to listen to his miserable ranting and raving about poop on his shoes, living in a cave, how I'm not making enough money, how the farm is my thing and not what he wants to do. Yada, yada, yada. Go party and leave me alone! I don't even try to remind him that if I didn't buy this sheep farm in upstate New York he would never have found his DREAM JOB with NYSWDA. Men! You have to draw pictures!
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