My day was going fine until I was called to a meeting at 2:30. Thought I was going to make a clean getaway but no deal. The top brass was there so I knew something was up. Career Academy, the wing of the school where I work in the PM, will be examined, evaluated, whatever you call it, by a panel of administrators. Okay, bring them on so they can see what we're up against. After an hour and a half of that type of discussion I packed up and ran out of the school to get to my truck. A freezing drizzle was coming down and it was getting dark. I couldn't believe my eyes - a flat tire! I was driving the big truck to pick up my night's worth of hay on the way home. He wanted me there before he started milking, around 4:30. Pulled out my cell phone to call somebody, anybody - no reception in the parking lot. Went back to my classroom to pull up the number of the repair outfit across the street. Couldn't get in touch with Matt. ATT, the world's worst cell company, would not connect me. Nobody at his office picked up until I tried the Bosses number. Matt had left for home early. No answer at home after a few tries. So I took the truck across the road to get the tire fixed. Guess what, can't be fixed so I bought a new tire. $153.00 for one tire???? Matt is furious and claims there was nothing wrong with the tire, but somehow it was flat and I was standing in the rain with no spare and had to get home. The owner is a BOCES grad who knows all about Brookfield so we chatted for a while. Pulled out of there and drove home to pick up my night's hay. I had offered him money to deliver the hay I bought but he has no time and wants me to pick it up. The bales were in front of the barn in a very muddy area and guess who had no boots on. So the night went on and on. Luckily the full moon was giving me such fantastic entertainment, with sparkling stars and white clouds racing over it. I opened my gate and pulled up my lane to unload at the barn doors on the north side. Lots of goaties and a few sheep greeted me with smiling faces, oh, what have you brought us woman??? I thought I might as well do my chores now and started giving everyone their dinner and hauling water. Dragged my butt in the door at 7 PM, with more chores still to do. Sat in the chair a while to try and regroup my inner forces. Cut up a big batch of lavender soap which is always a pleasant job. It feels good to get it set out to cure. Then only wrapping and labeling and it can be put out for sale. It's 11 PM and I had hoped to make a bag tonight. I'll go out to check for lambs then hit the sack. Tomorrow is another day.
1 comment:
Hope today is easier.
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