So little light left when I get home from work. Just enough to take the doggies out before I start dinner and chores. I bought new batteries for my headlights. I can't be without them in the barn. The light blinds the animals when I look directly at them so I try to point it downward so I can see where I'm walking. I've got lights in the barn, but I've bashed so many of the bulbs with my head there are not very many left. I have to check for lambs every so often now, as several have dropped and I can see little lamb movements in their bellies. Lambs come from heaven, ofcourse, but I'm not ready yet. I hope they wait until after the two December shows, but maybe not. I got the turkey cooked for our Thanksgiving Feast in school tomorrow. The aroma filled the wing and had everyone asking where's the turkey? The kids are excited and will cook all the other dishes and eat before they leave at 11:30. Thanksgiving Breakfast I should call it? I don't think attendance will be good next week due to hunting season so we are doing it early. This way I'll be sure everyone in my GED class has something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, or at least a full belly.
HUGs honey!!!
Hope you have a great thanksgiving day -you and yours are one of the things I am thankful for in my life :)
You need help with anything let me know -I can knit lamb sweaters if needed LOL.
Hugs to all
Kim and crew
I am also in for the lamb sweaters, just get me a pattern and I will make you some.
You know I feel tired and overworked and then I read your blog and see that my load is not as heavy as I thought.
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