24 F. this morning on the milk room steps. It was 20 three weeks ago, the day after I got home from Rhinebeck. The week to come will be cool, not getting out of the 40's. We started the process of insulating the hay mow above the apartment, squirting foam around the edges. NY State made me take out the hay I had up there two years ago, the bums, and I'm forced to replace it with something synthetic and expensive. I have to start buying hay now and fortunately I have another mow to put it in. The round bales I bought are dark and moldy, still on the trailer down the road. My tractor is still being repaired at the place where I'm buying it. It's an old Ford 8N with a blade on it for snow plowing. Wish it had a front loader, but the price is right and I can't walk away from it. I got some good rest this past weekend, despite Tanner doing her best to push me out of the bed last night. I even had a three hour nap Saturday afternoon. Got some chores done around the barn and played with my sheep. I went to Wahlgreens to pick up my photo print to send to the catalogue cover contest but it's sadly washed out and dull. No more photo processing there! Off to work to face the challenges of the week ahead. So cozy and warm in the apt. and I hate to leave the critters but I tell them Mommie has to go to work to support them. Water and food bowls full, classical music on, off I go.
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