I have a stack of bags cut out, waiting for me on the sewing machine. Wish I could stay home and make them. It's always a challenge to pick the right lining for a bag. It means so much and seperates my bags from so many others. I essentially craft two bags and sew them together. The inside has to be prettier than the outside. My Southern mother taught me that you should be able to wear a garment inside out, that's how important the lining is. I like that idea, and have always applied it to my bags. Carol Crayonbox sent me some fabulous lining fabric that works better for this particular bag, so I'll save the lining fabric I already cut out for another time. I'm waiting on snap frames from Ghee's in Louisianna. There is so much I have to order in to have everything I need for the products I make. Soap making supplies are very bulky and pricey. Bundaflicka Bags require cedar shims for the boxy bottoms, Sculpey or Femo clay for buttons and a LOT of thread. The woven labels took three months to come from England by way of New Jersey. I need jars, labels and many ingredients for my Shepherd's creme. Luckily, UPS and FED EX has finally figured out that I live in this funky old barn, except when there is a new or substitute driver. Then I have to go searching for my stuff. Luckily I have enough fabric for a couple of year's worth of sewing and the sheep keep producing that marvelous wool. Oh, yes, the sheep. They require a fortune in hay, feed, wormer, vaccines, lambing supplies, etc. Better saddle up and get out the door to my teaching job - my farm subsidy.
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