Had the best night sleep in a while, all the way to 6 am. My internal alarm clock which usually goes off at 5 is slipping. All that sleep is intoxicating...better drink another cup of French Roast. We dutifully watched the Military Channel last night, very interesting. The island of Tarawa, now called Betoi (sp?), has many cemeteries that are covered over with garbage dumps, desecrating the hallowed ground. The island government picks up the soda cans and anything they can recyle for money, but the other trash is left on the ground. Construction companies often dig up bones when they build things around the island. One vet is waging a one-man campaign to clean up the garbage and identify the war dead. Many are soldiers who are still listed as missing. He fears the whole island will be underwater in a few years and the remains will be lost to history. Fascinating and inspiring story. The next show featured the Vietnam War Medal of Honor winners and their stories. Tears kept running down Matt's face so I gave him a giant bowl of vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate sauce. Worked like a charm. No more tears, just sucking and slurping sounds. I like to think I'm writing my own war story here on the farm. Speaking of farm, I better get my own act in gear and get going. I hung my giant American flag in my classroom. When I had it up in my old room, the French teacher took it down to put up a project her kids were working on. Good to see it proudly displayed again. We don't pledge allegiance in this school, but my flag makes a statement.
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love you!
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