Reality bites. Out into the dark, wet and cold. Chickens are confused about their nice clean room and keep milling around, looking for their old piles of dung to sit on. Lots of nice roosts in there for them, but they loved their piles. I like being able to stand up in the chicken room. They were terrified when the masked man went in their living quarters, tearing the place up. After the fact, I keep thinking why didn't I bag up the poop and sell it, or why didn't I ask Randy to cart it over to the Sister's garden? Oh,well,it's still out there in a pile. Matt is back to work, sore and cranky but happy to get back to doing what he loves - keeping people warm and saving the planet. The urologist will "bomb the stone" on an outpatient basis after the kidney heals. No lambs last night, big surprise. Now I want them to wait until Christmas break, but don't think they can keep their legs crossed that long. Gotta get on the road.
I love reading your blog first thing in the morning. Makes me smile, while I get the kids out to school.
Maggie, I know that you do not care about the awards, but I am giving you one anyway. Thank you for all the wonderful reads you have given me. Hope Matt is felling better.
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