A hen was sitting on eggs she laid on a small ledge behind a rabbit cage in the barn. When I fed the bunnies I watched her, those little chicken eyes in a trance, concentrating on keeping those eggs warm. I was worried that the chicks would hatch and freeze or fall down from the ledge and be eaten by cats. Sure enough, this cold morning, 24F., Mother Hen was gone when I watered the bunners before leaving for work. There were the eggs, chilled but not frozen. I tend to find things to do in the barn that make me late enough that I have to fly down the road at breakneck speed, and just my luck this morning was no different. I gathered up the eggs and ran them back into the apartment and put them under the lamp in the bathroom. The last batch of chicks I raised inside are in the barn now, so the familiar box and lamp under the sink is back in business. There is a kitty in there now, warming herself under the light bulb, keeping the eggs even warmer. I hope I got them in time to revive the little bodies inside. Every life is precious. I'm watching the WWII in HD on the History Channel. The new footage is amazing, and I'm fascinated with the way our nation was entirely committed to the cause of saving the world for democracy. I'm so proud my mother and father were both in the Army. That's very special. They survived to have four kids in five years, a true affirmation of life. So much unspeakable carnage and suffering in that cataclysmic event that was WWII, so many perished and generations were lost. I feel so unworthy compared to what they were called upon to endure. (I'll try to remember that when lambing starts and I'm complaining about no sleep.)
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