The sun is still low in the sky and it smells like winter but the temps are still up. I have a giant wether fleece on the rack outside that I didn't get to yesterday after school. It's out there soaking up the night moisture, not what I intended. I better do it today. I need another drying rack, one with many tiers, and surrounded by chicken wire to keep the cats out. Drying fiber over the winter is a challenge. I did it on my kitchen table next to the wood stove last year, and managed somehow, but it was constantly falling off and being scattered by kitties. I went to fire up my dedicated dye stove in the milk room, but the cute little pair of chickens that had been roosting on the pipe above the stove left some presents on the burners. Ahhh, life on the farm. The chickens have been gently moved into the barn where their friends live. No school tomorrow for Veteran's Day, formerly known as Armistice Day. I will make sure my class knows why they are getting the day off. Yesterday some of them told me they don't need math to join the Army, as we struggled through improper fractions and mixed numbers. I told them the military is more technical than ever, and they will have to read manuals and use math to figure out how to use all that equipment. They don't think beyond the rifle. Why not, as it's hunting season in New York. I have to confess, there are many fewer shotgun blasts around here than I heard in western New Jersey. Fine with me.
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