Gotta love holidays. Thank you NY for my day off with pay...and thank you for the medical coverage that's paying for Matt's hotel bill over there in Hamilton. He called to say he feels better but couldn't keep down his breakfast. Please, keep him 'til he's on the mend. He's no good to me laying in the bed throwing up. They think his big stone will pass as it's near the bladder. Flo-Max will help move it. He's getting IV antibiotics for the infection, too. On the home front I will put the turkey in and go about my business. There was a special-order 20 pounder in the local market yesterday that a woman didn't want because it's too big for her. At 79 a pound and already thawed out I thought what the heck. I will freeze lots of turkey and gravy to have over rice over the winter. I saw Martha on TV yesterday and she draped a cheesecloth soaked in white wine and butter over her bird. I don't have the makings for homemade stuffing like my mother always made. She saved ends of white bread, in the old days that's all we ate, to crumble up and I don't know what else she put on it. I'm so low on hay - two days worth maybe...Matt was going to fix the elevator this weekend, which makes it so much easier to get hay in. He's been putting it off for weeks now he's flat on his back. Just my luck. I can't imagine he will be active anytime soon. Life on the farm goes on...
HUGS honey!!! Hope Matt feels better soon and is back up and about!
Can you get nay of your students to hlp you bring in hay???
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kim and Crew
Maggie, I hope you still manage to have a nice Thanksgiving Day. Sorry to hear about Matt, hope is is feeling better soon.
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