I had a call from Joe Biden last night. Too bad it was a one way conversation as I would have enjoyed talking with him. I like Joe. If it's in his head it's on his lips, kind of like me, and it gets him in trouble sometimes. I appreciate his honesty, like when the news tells me "the recession is over" and Joe Biden says what are you talking about - with all these people still out of work and foreclosures happening everywhere we're not nearly out of trouble. The administration does not appreciate his tell-it-like-it is, blatant style. There's a big race going on in my district. The republicans have ditched DeeDee Bag-o-donuts so the remaining arch-conservative guy, Doug Hoffman, has a better chance to win the congressional seat. The democrat, Bill Owens, has an uphill battle against the conservatives here. The teacher's union called me to tell me to vote for DeeDee, the moderate republican candidate - a shock to me since teachers are so predominantly democratic, especially in my home state of New Jersey - but DeeDee is history, tossed aside by her own party. I will be at the polls in Brookfield, bright and early next week, in the tiny little cinder block town hall with the hitching post outside, doing my civic duty. I'm trying to convince my students, most of whom are over 18, to register to vote. They don't relate to political power, but I'm working on it.
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