I want to make pancakes with my class this morning, that is, if enough of them come. It's hunting season and that lures the boys away. Then there's the "day before vacation" absenteeism. We teach even if there's one or two students there, but I find myself wishing I had a Christmas tree to put up today. That would be fun. We can do that here, unlike politically correct New Jersey where Christmas trees go up then are quietly taken down after administration steps in. I don't own an artificial tree, and don't want one. My garden clubber mother covered our little house with real greens and giant arrangements of magnolia leaves and holly. She was so talented and creative. I have to find out if I can have a live tree in our brand new 40 million dollar wing. If not I might break down and get a fake one. I want to make popcorn/cranberry garlands with my class, and felt little sheep ornaments, and cover foam balls with glitter. My special ed. class meets in the former art room, where the big cabinets were full of art supplies. They've been raided by teachers, but I might find some stray glitter we can use. I want to teach the girls how to knit so they can make cute things for their babies, and maybe hustle a buck with scarves, etc. when they need money to buy diapers and food in the future. They seem so happy and contented with their bundles of joy, oblivious to the struggle ahead. Speaking of struggle...mine is just beginning. Better get out to the barn, check for lambs, throw bales and run the hose.
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