After driving to work in a lovely, light snow this morning, the evening presented me with a gorgeous full moon. What a picture - the glowing orb coming up over the piney ridge, with the tree tops silhouetted on the whiteness. Chores seemed to take me forever tonight, around 2 hours, but every time I thought one more water bucket, one more bale, one more bunny dish, one more scoop for the chickens, get out the hose one more time, I would look up at the moon for company and sustenance. The White Boys are fed and the inside dogs walked. I would LOVE to go to bed now, but not with the show this weekend looming. Don't know how I am going to pull this one off...but I just might manage it BECAUSE the TULIP is COMING!! When she pulls in it's just like Sergeant Preston, his dog King, and the Mounties themselves coming to rescue me. Funny, that reminds me of a former husband who accused me of always wanting to be rescued. Maybe not then - but now I LOVE to be rescued. Yes, it's true!! I admit it! My fabulous, talented, courageous, red-headed Dutch Canadian fiber friend is undaunted by any show situation and I am completely comfortable with her working my booth...but I have to get the stuff made first. I have several bags cut out and lots of soap to wrap. I'll make creme tomorrow night I think. If only I wasn't so tired by nightfall, which is my only free time. No lambs yet, thank the goddesses. Please, ladies, keep your babies in the oven for now!
LOL :) Just tell you girls this "I don't know nothing about birthing lambs Miss Maggie!!!"
Can't wait we're going to have so much fun!!!!!
heh,heh,heh, I have Gone With the Wind on tape somewhere! I should find it and we can watch it Saturday night - if we can stay awake!
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