The ground is covered in white, not a whole lot, but enough so the sheep have to dig to get to the grass, that is, the grass that is left on the ground. Oh, how I would love to stay home today. I've been lazy the last few nights, not doing much else besides take care of my animals. Not good. I have to make product! I love to climb the ladder to the hay mow in the dark and see the little group of sheep and goats who have escaped the barnyard fence sleeping in the hay. It was so cozy and warm in there last night, with sleet banging on the metal roof above. I only had a couple of lean-tos for them on my last place, and they would all try to get at least their heads inside to escape the weather. When I saw this giant barn I thought, this is it, I would have enough shelter for all of them. The flock comes first. The Yankees are having a ticker-tape parade today. I was just explaining to my students what ticker-tape is the other day. I wonder where they get the paper these days now that they don't use ticker tape on Wall Street? Sad news from Texas, an Army doctor, the son of a Palestian family, went psycho and killed all those soldiers. Don't tell me he didn't have baggage. We are supposed to be open-minded and accepting of people from the other side, then this happens. What a world. My baby son is cloistered away in his seminary in Yonkers, but a year from now the Army will send him wherever they want him. A frightening thought...but for right now, I have to get myself washed and dressed and get out into the cold, white world and go to work. I think it's time to break out the bunny scarves and mittens. Tomorrow is Friday, oh the weekend. Would we appreciate it as much if we didn't have to work all week? I think I would.
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