While Matt and Randy were insulating the apartment with "green" cellulose (recycled newspaper soaked in boric acid) I was making almond soap and cutting up the anise soap I made over the weekend. Oh, the aromas mingling in the apartment were making my head spin. UPS brought my hand creme jars, so I just had to go for it and make a batch of Patchouli Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme. I saved an ounce or two from the batch of Patchouli soap I made last night and was anxious to find out how it worked with the shea butter, beeswax and jojoba I use in my recipe. It's absolutely wonderful and I can't wait to give a jar to a certain person who works in the special ed office at school. Patchouli lovers are a rare and tightly knit bunch! It's not my best selling soap, but every once in a while someone will rush into the booth, gasp with delight, and snatch up five bars. The Patchouli crop in India failed a couple of years ago and the price soared to $200 for a 16 ounce bottle, the amount I need for my recipe. I skipped making Patchouli soap that year. Luckily, the price is back down to a manageable sum, but still pricey. I couldn't resist. Patchouli is not only the Hippie Love Scent of the Flower Power generation. Musky and exotic, it has been used as a moth repellent in Europe for many years. However one choses to use it, the aroma is divine.
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