Everyone should have health care in this wealthy country, but everyone does not have health care. Poor people don't go to the doctor, then are carried in feet first and everyone pays for their care except for them. I know the bill passed yesterday by the House is not perfect, but it's a start. I've worked over ten years to provide health care for myself and my husband. Sure, I would like to stay home on the farm and spin wool, make soap and sew my tote bags, but that couldn't come close to the $15,000 a year BOCES pays for my health plan. So I drive through blizzards and leave sick animals at home to get that health coverage. Now people who don't have it say they don't want to have to pay for it. Well, it's about time. Harry Truman tried to start it, Richard Nixon wanted it, but it hasn't happened. Insurance companies made over $300 BILLION in profits last year and Americans still die for lack of health care. Something has to give, and it did yesterday. Republicans are choking but what have they done prior to this? Nothing. They want poor people to just go away and die. Social Darwinism prevails. Not everyone can work, and in this economy there are not enough jobs for all the healthy people seeking employment. That's enough...I'm going to saddle up and get to my job teaching students whose families now have some hope of affordable health coverage.
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