The first Southern Adirondack Festival went very smoothly and brought in a moderate amount of patrons. They had to divide themselves amoung a grand total of 90 vendors, however, spreading the wealth a little thin. Great for the customers, tough on the vendors. I had a decent weekend, made much easier by assistance from the Big Daddy Trucking Company. What a change from last weekend at Fingerlakes, when I worked all day, drove 5 hours, then set up my big booth until midnight. I slept in Hotel F150 while Matt pitched a tent on the ground for some leg room. We went out to dinner with Lisa Merian of Spinner's Hill, Susan Carr of Earlville, and two sweater vendors from Bolton, Mass. After dinner we set up to spin in the ladies' room on the fairgrounds, the only place open, warm, and well lit. I love to hear other farmer/fiber people talk about their hopes, dreams, adventures, and troubles. I slept a grand 8 hours in my snug little truck cab bed and woke up to rain. Remembering the Dunkin Donuts I passed the night before going to dinner, I fired up the engine and drove to Schuylerville. I marched in the door in my LLBean green plain jammies and Carhart vest at 5 am. The cappucino tasted better than anything I could get at the fairgrounds. Drove back and Matt was still sleeping in the tent, which had not sprung a leak yet. Back to the buildings to spin some more. I got some lovely yarn spun and plied over the weekend, between customers. Most vendors I spoke to said they would come back. Many customers said they preferred this festival over Rhinebeck, which is very crowded and stretched out over much territory. I would like to explore Saratoga some more. Looks like a lovely city.
1 comment:
Sounds like SA was a wonderful festival! Rhinebeck will be a zoo, but hopefully a profitable one for you.
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