I had some cute new bags out at the market yesterday but not too many lookers or takers. One lady walked four blocks to get money out of a cash machine to buy a Celestial Sun bag, so I can't complain! Many Colgate parents were there, and there was traffic, but people were holding on to their money. A couple of times husbands would say don't you want some soap honey? and their wives would say no, I don't want any soap. They market is always fun and uplifting for me, as I see so many nice folks who like to chat. Gretchen from school's parents came through and bought some lime soap! Candace was there with her lovely earrings, too. I've worn a pair of hers for months...have to splurge and buy some new Candace earrings for the fall. I could tell when vendors started packing up early that they were slow, too. The vegetable man across from me, Ron Wagner, said he had the biggest day EVER at the market. Good for him. That tells me people are saving money for good food, not frivolous things. It will be interesting to see how the fall shows go.
1 comment:
Big Yay on Market sales!
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