I like good news. Doesn't everyone? I just opened an email informing me I got in the Peace Council Craft Show in Syracuse. Candace told me about it last year, too late to apply. This time I got my app in and waited the five months they take to figure out if they want you, can fit you in , etc. I am trying to find some shows that are close to home. Nottingham High School is a little over an hour from here. I took my "FOUR" NY State teacher certification tests there last year. (Still have more hurdles to go before I am permanently certified in this state!) That makes five new shows this year. Gotta get that tractor, manure spreader and FENCING purchased. Some women dream of furniture, I dream of manure spreaders and tractors. On deck for today...cut out more bags while I have a clear table to do it. When I'm tired at night after school starts I can sit and sew, but cutting and sewing is much more demanding. Wish I could find a home sewer I could hire to put these bags together for me after I cut them out. But then I am so fussy about my bags...I've never had a structural failure yet. I did leave a pin in one and heard about it from the customer! Ouch!!
Without a tractor and spreader how do you handle all of the waste from your beautiful animals? The only ways I can imagine involve a lot of back breaking work.
Hurray you!!!! Way to go :)
HUGS to all
KIm and crew
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