How wonderfully sublime, to be home on the farm, working with my fibers in this glorious sunshine with beautiful kitties, drowsy from the warmth of the wool under them, and listening to the tractor motor cutting hay on Jan's field across the road! It doesn't get much better than this!! I have to go into the village to get the mail, reluctantly, as it tends to snap me back into reality. It's ham and Mary's cabbages tonight for dinner. Those piggies really got me through a summer of no paychecks, bless those little porkers. Then I'll bag up all this fabulous Suri alpaca, left over from NJ, and put the next two pots out to dry. One is some of Kimmie Cornerstones' angora which I found in the grain room upstairs - what a find! I forgot it was there. Angora soaks up the dye like nothing else and really makes my roving special. The other is some BFL lamb, which was shorn a little short and is full of schmutz, but I worked on it all morning and think it will be okay. Not much sewing done today, but I'll try to get another bag done tonight for the market tomorrow. A couple of ladies stop by every week to see "what's new." And the Colgate kids are back. Funny, the students hardly ever come to my booth but the parents do.
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