My job kept me late tonight. I have to learn the bureaucratic nightmare of GED, Special Ed. style. The paperwork is oppressive. If they saw my apartment they would know that paperwork is not my deal. Fortunately the colleagues who are teaching me the ropes (Gretchen and Roger) are very patient and helpful. I happened to walk into a Special Ed. meeting and heard my name as in "I have to tell Maggie to do this, and talk to her about that..." having to do with student behavior management, so it's not ALL about paperwork. Beam me up, Scottie, I am ready to de-planet! So I decide I can't face dinner and call for take out. One pizza and eggplant parm is $27.00. I couldn't believe it. Matt does not cook, and if I decide to beg for a little assistance with dinner we get peanut butter and honey on toast. Sometimes I need a little more...so I coughed up the $27 for take-out. I'm trying to talk my boss into hiring Jan as a special ed aide, and she said why would she want to drive all the way from Brookfield? I told her we would carpool. That would be a big help to me. The car I am renting, due to the fact that my car was killed by a deer, is costing me half my daily salary. I better go check on the sheep. I just let them out to graze, and noticed there are lovely red apples in my old orchard, planted by the original settlers, I think. I took the doggies up the hill to take in the sunshine and breezes after being trapped in a building all day. After chores I have to sew, sew, sew. I am excited about Fingerlakes, my favorite show I think, as Kimmie is coming and Candy Cain, too. I will forget about school and this farm for a couple of days, and the hay that is not in the mow, and the winter that is bearing down on us. There is beautiful green grass across the road, but the farmer that Jan has cutting her expansive fields has to borrow a tractor, and is taking most of his as haylage as far as I can see. That doesn't require drying, like bales. The days are shorter and nights are cooler. What a poor, pitiful bunch we are here in Brookfield.
You setup looks great here Maggie.
Looking forward to seeing you Sat. Will you have any of your brught colorways there?
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