After the glorious weather of the weekend we wake up to clouds again. I wore my flannel nighty last night and made sure blankets were on the kids (human, that is). They are cutting hay across the road. Very tricky hay year. Way too much rain in June and July is shaping up to be wet too. You need four hot sunny days to make hay. Damp hay in the barn causes mold and sick sheep. It can also heat up and combust in the mow and burn down the barn. In my case it would burn down my home, too! Not a pleasant thought...On a happier note, we might go to the movies today. Much to look forward to this week. The Madison County Fair is happening this weekend with the new Focus on Fiber section. There are some very committed fiber people around here I will meet for the first time. Kim and Family are coming from Ontario to visit this weekend - so much fun in store for all of us. We'll take the kids to the fair then hunker down in front of the camp fire back on the farm at night.
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