Okay, so they're gone. I have to be a big girl and deal with it. I think it will be better than last year when I really took a nose dive. It took Mia's best friend, Lisa's, bridal shower to pull me out of it. I'm back home from the airport and feeling like I have a handle on it so far. No, I'm not kidding, I really miss those kids!! Five weeks is not enough! I know they were ready to go back to their Mommy and Daddy. I'm so grateful that they have such talented, capable and committed parents to go home to. They are just too far away. What I would give to see Luke blow his birthday candles out in three weeks...but here I am and there's no flying out to the west coast for me this summer. I've got to throw myself into my farm business and get to work. In the meantime, I have Tiny Tina sitting on my shoulder flipping my earring around as I type, and a lot more critters that need tending to. We left for Albany International at 9 and I'm back at 4. Everything went smoothly except for brilliant Maggie who forgot to clean out her purse and take anything metal away from her person before going through security. It only took four times through the machine, then the attendant found two pair of scissors and a knife in my bag. Luke yelled Omi needs them to cut the strings on the bales! They gave me back the scissors but not the knife. I waited until the plane took off and phoned Annie and thanked her for letting me have them. So here I am smelling Luke's pillow and looking at all the cookies and brownies Hannah made yesterday. Boo-hoo. Better get busy.
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