Auntie Mia just left to visit a nurse friend at her lake house somewhere in CNY. It's always a let down when she leaves but I know she'll be back as soon as she can make it. The hospital calls her to work on her days off, and she has a nice boyfriend, Andrew, to spend time with. Somehow she still finds time to visit her mommy on the farm. I feel like everything I've ever done right in my life is manifested in that girl. Anyway...the food fest continues. I made scrambled eggs for everyone this morning as I am out of Fruit Loops and Apple Jacks. Luke ate 3 scrambled eggs without complaint due to the ample amount of catsup alongside. Hannah opted for mandarin oranges out of the can - loaded with vitamin C so I was alright with that. Crackers at the pond, now lunch of hot buttered biscuits, peeled apples and peanut butter. Mia had my famous Nanny McPhee Chicken Soup before she set out. Dinner tonight???? Probably back to spaghetti and meatballs. I try to make H&L eat some "real" food before the evening of snacking begins. They are growing like weeds. Annie is a world class cook and fills them will all kinds of real food at home, so I know they will continue to grow big and strong. Speaking of big and strong - I want to get out to the barn and feed the mother of my baby goats while the sheep are out to graze. She lingers in the barn which gives me a chance to feed her seperately without being knocked out of the bucket by the big fat sheep. It's 2 am and I would love a little nap, but I need to wash a sinkful of dishes, sweep the apartment floor which is covered with dog and kiddie debris, sweep some in the barn, feed the hay mow kitties and the chickens, water the bunnies, cut up Cinnamon soap and put out to cure, and so much more. I want to have another fire tonight. I'd love to have the Sunday NY Times but it's ten miles to get one and they are probably all gone due to tourist season. Maybe next week...
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