I called Barb Taylor yesterday hoping to take Hannah and Luke to her stable for a lesson. It was raining and I wanted to get them away from the TV. Luke had been asking to go and Barb is so good with little kids. Luckily, she said come at three. Perfect. It took us two hours to get some chores done and get everyone dressed with snacks packed, etc. Barb's barn is very relaxed. We always have time to visit with the boarding horses and help groom them. Jim, Barb's boyfriend, gave Luke his lesson as Barb was called away to check on a neighbor's pony who was down in the field. It worked out fine, as the "guys" got along fine and Luke had his ride. Barb returned and put Hannah through her paces, riding around cones and practicing proper horsemanship. We left tired but happy and got home at 6, just in time for tomatoe soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Hannah fell on her bed and slept for a couple of hours. Her allergy medication knocks her out. I got chores done and we all settled down to watch Australia, a fabulous movie. They were all riding horses, which was so cool as it was a horsey kind of day.
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