Matt took my goods to the Hamilton market early this morning while I stayed home with the Little Ones. They sleep well into the day, which is lovely for them as they are on vacation, but it doesn't help if we have anything planned. It doesn't seem right to wake sleeping children on summer vacation. Just can't do it unless it's an emergency. I thought we needed more hand creme in the booth so I got set up to make some. This requires clearing of my little kitchen counter space - not an easy task. I managed to make a boatload of luscious hand creme and fill up all the jars I had on hand and then Matt called to say he found a big box of hand creme in the trailer. I was glad to get more made anyway especially since it came out so nicely. I don't have an exact recipe - it's like home made cooking. I had a nice affirmation of my work when a man bought another shaving block. He said he bought one two years ago and it is just now used up. It's the only way to shave for him now. I'm glad to hear it as it is a lot of work to make those blocks. I have to cut up the odds and ends and stir the pot for a couple of days before it's ready to pour into the lid of a copy paper box. Cutting up the thick layer of soap is really tough. Anyway...when Hannah and Luke got up and we finally got to the market there was only an hour left to go. The kids ran around making their little purchases which included a pine tree shaped beeswax candle (Luke said it would make my barn smell good) and blueberries for Hannah. We packed up and went to McD's for lunch. Matt took Luke home while Hannah and I headed for Tractor Supply to spend my hard-earned wages. Another swim session with Mary and Zella topped off the day. Corn on the cob, hot dogs and beans (Luke's request) for supper. Raining tonight after a bright sunny day. I'm off to bed after kissing the cute little heads good night.
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