I called Jean Krause and asked if I could bring Hannah riding again today. She said bring her right over. I wanted Hannah to be able to trot and lope without waiting for slow pokes Omi and Luke. Jean says Hannah has a natural seat. When we got to Heavenly Hilltop a film crew was there from the Mohawk Valley TV station. Hannah was filmed for tonight's segment on local businesses. Very exciting! Luke was not amused that Hannah is getting all this attention. He feels he should be compensated with a remote control truck. I told him we would check them out the next time we are at WalMart. When we picked up Hannah she was hungry. We motored over to the Beaver Den Diner, where the same film crew was doing another segment. I'm glad they didn't come over to our table to interview us. Luke would have given them a piece of his mind regarding the riding and remote control truck issue. I promised him a ride in the back of the pick-up to the pond tonight. Better fire up the stove for Mac'N Cheese. Hannah had chicken and biscuit for lunch while Luke only wanted scrambled eggs. The cook whipped them up special for him, as it was after breakfast. I made a big roast chicken dinner last night which was mildly received. Made a good soup out of it with shallots from Sister Grace's garden, which I froze for the end-of-the-summer when Matt is travelling and I am here by my lonesome. I thought I better make something more kid friendly tonight.
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