After two trips over to the county fairgrounds in Brookfield we were settled in to our spot in the Focus on Fiber tent. I didn't know what to expect, but was pleased to find several top notch vendors in attendance. There were two alpaca vendors with all the fancy accoutrement including big cash registers and commercially made socks, coats and jackets. The others were people just like me - a teacher, a mom, and fiber artists who raise their own sheep, rabbits and llamas and spin it themselves. I love to learn from them and see how their creative juices flow. Hannah and Luke had a ball. I was ready for them to be bored and ask to go back to the barn, but they were champs. I purchased a wrist bracelet for Luke that allowed him to use the rides all day long. Every once in a while he would come back to my tent drenched in sweat and all excited. Hannah went shopping with her babysitting money and came back with some interesting chochkies. There were lots of farm animals to admire, and baby cashmere goats to bottle feed. We packed up and went home to take care of our own farm animals and get some shut-eye. Back to the fair tomorrow and a nice surprise - Kim and Crew from Ontario coming to visit for the weekend. Jared and Lindsay are Hannah and Luke's ages. Fun, fun, and more fun.
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