Just the thought of it makes me excited. Mia is coming with her friend, Andrew,on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the fourth. They can only stay one night. We are hoping to also see her brother AJ, who is on his way back from Europe and Scandinavia. He will be off to the second leg of US Army Chaplain school at Ft. Jackson, SC, for the rest of the summer. I'm so proud of them both I don't know what to do. We are hoping for good enough weather so we can fire up the big pile of wood and furniture we are saving for a bonfire. Fireworks, pond swimming, water balloons and hula hoops are on the schedule. Keeping fingers and toes crossed...
Oh wow -how wonderful for you to all be able to get together :)
Hope the weather is fantastic for you -have a great time!!!!
HUGS to all
PS tell Izzie I'll see him next week ;) Maybe he'd like to be Canadian bedwarmer??
Sounds like a plan to me.
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