Holly thinks the chicks belong to her. She guards them constantly, that is, when I let her in the bathroom. No other animal can get near the chicks when Holly is on guard. I think the chicks will follow Holly around when I let them go. They must certainly be imprinting on her. Not a bad friend and protector to have!
1 comment:
Hi I just saw the comment you left. I have used electric netting for 3 or 4 years now and only had one animal get tangle up out of about 90-140 a year. It was a ram lamb and he did have horns, he was also dead when I found him. I know the owners of a big flock(550) of Coopworth sheep and they have been using this kind of fencing for about 10 or 15 years. This year they had their first lamb get tangled and die. Coopworths do not have horns.
I would say that just because the fence does not work for some animals not to use it.( I have had animals get stuck in regular woven wire fencing more times than I can count.) I could not do what I'm doing without the electric fencing! If you are really worried you could use the reel and step in posts system, but that is a LOT more work/time to set up. I do have a couple reels and some step in posts and have used it only when the eclectic fence is not quite long enough!
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