I found two little snakes when I was pulling up some old trash bags that were stuck to the ground. AJ and I hauled a few dozen big bags of rabbit manure up here from the last place I lived and dumped in my "future garden" spot. The garden never happened as I am still working on fence for my sheep - forget about a garden. The excavator for the septic ran over them a few times and they were ugly black plastic splotches on the ground. While pulling them up Matt called watch out for snakes! I was watching and only found two little babies that fell out of the warm plastic. I ran to get Luke to show him, as Luke loves snakes and has a pet one named Clyde. He tried to catch one but it slipped out of his fingers and into the grass. If someone else I know was here visiting she would not have been so anxious to catch one. She would have been up in the hay mow on the opposite side of the barn, if not in her little Hyundai on the way back to New Jersey!
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