Last day of school for many of the kids I work with. Many are taking Regents testing this week, but the bulk of the student population is gone. I like the cycle of teaching, you are thrown together in September and by June, when you can't take another day, you are released for nice vacation. In the fall it starts all over again. If a farmer has to work, it's a good gig. Matt spent last week teaching weatherization building to kids in a correctional facility. Even with the complete lack of discipline problems (they called him "sir" and were very eager to learn) he came home exhausted and drained. "I have a lot more respect for teachers!" he told me. Yep, teaching can take a lot out of you. Speaking of kids, I heard from two of mine yesterday. AJ is in Italy having a fabulous time. He found an internet cafe to get in touch by email. Mia went to a baby shower for a nurse she works with. She gave the mom-to-be the Caribbean Cruise Knitting Snap Frame Tote for a diaper bag. The bag was very well-received, with the crowd oohhhing and aahhing Mia reported. The mom said she wouldn't use it for a diaper bag, but keep it for a handbag for herself. No problem with me, I'm just happy she liked it and glad that Mia liked my work enough to give it to her friends. I don't know when I'll see AJ again, as he is going to Ft Jackson upon returning from Europe to complete US Army Chaplain training. Mia is picking up Hannah and Luke in Buffalo next week to bring them to the farm. That's when our summer party begins!
That is right the summer vacation is imminent. My kids are out on Thursday. Then there will be no time left. They expend like gas and it does not really matter how many of them is there. Now mothers across the land are holding they re breath - the last days of freedom are here...
We have a little over a week to go here -last day is June 25th and then -well bye bye what little sanity I have left :)
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