Matt's training center will open on Monday. What a relief. He's been driving everybody crazy putting together this 6,000 ft. facility. The first class of 28 will spend a week learning how to weatherize all kinds of houses. I roll my eyes about it and wish he would relax until I think of the polar bears drowning for lack of ice floes to live on. Yes, saving energy is a very cool thing. Since the inception of the Weatherization Assistance Program began in 1978 the program (otherwise known as WAP, has saved over 58,000,000 barrels of oil. That's a lot less carbon dioxide going up in the air. Last year in the state of New York they weatherized 12,500 low income homes. Due to the Obama stimulus package they are on course to do somewhere in the range of 45,000 to 55,000 residences in NY. With this new facility they can train upwards to about 2,000 to 2,500 new entry level weatherization workers. It's a dynamic facility and I can't help but wish I had a space as big to use as a sewing room!
1 comment:
WAY to go Matt!!!! Wish you were up here to help us Northerners with our heating issues :)
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