When is there NOT some kind of animal drama going on around here? Jan has been going through boxes packed by her movers (you mean people can hire movers to haul their stuff???)and she came over to bring me some stuff she thought I could use on Saturday after the farmer's market. I was pretty bushed and went out to carry the boxes from her truck. The dogs had been locked in the apt. all day and I felt sorry for them. I put Pip and Tanner on leashes ('cause they are the runaway dogs)and brought them out with me. I can't carry boxes and hold leashes at the same time so I hooked them on to a long steel gate that was propped up against the wall. Bad idea. They pulled and the whole thing crashed to the ground and the dogs were free. I grabbed Tanner's leash but Pip was gone. I knew he would have a run and come home, but what about that nice long leash I just bought him? Extra long so he could play with the frogs in the pond while I was holding on to him. I didn't want to make such a big deal about it in front of Jan, but I was frantic. That night, no Pip. No Pip all day Sunday. No Pip Sunday night. He was out there caught up I was sure, in the rain and cold. It's a sick feeling to lose an animal in any case...but not knowing the fate of a beloved family member is worse. Was he eaten by coyotes? Why wasn't he chewing himself free? I was reluctant to sound the alarm right away because I've been in so much dog trouble with neighbors and the dogcatcher has been here twice. I left for work today with a sick feeling in my stomach. I kept thinking, two days with no food or water. How long can he last? Did someone take him in? He has a license on. On and On. I came home from work and went about my business - taking the dogs out, feeding cats, checking email, etc. Suddenly the dogs started barking and I looked out the window. There was a white pick-up truck in the driveway. I opened the window and called hello the way I usually do. It's easier than making my way out to the milk room door to meet people. A man said are you missing a dog? My heart leapt and I said I sure am. He said he heard whining and yipping on the side of Hollow Road and spied a dog hung up - follow me he said. I jumped in the Jeep and we drove over to Hollow Road. The man and his friend pulled over about half way up the hill. He pointed into the brush and there he was. Pip's little tail was going a hundred miles an hour when he saw me. His leash was wrapped around some vines many times over and had him pinned so close he could never have chewed his way out. No animal should have to die that way. I unclipped him and picked him up in my arms to carry him out of the brush. After thanking the two men profusely a dozen times or more I carried Pip home. He ran for the food bowl. I gave him an egg and some tuna fish. He can't get enough to eat. What a load off my mind. It seems no matter how many dogs I have, each one is unique and special, and sorely missed when absent from our little pack.
Thank god those men heard him. I have had a rough week here with the animals..... lost 6 chickens to the fox and had a dead bunny yesterday morning. Couldn't have taken any more bad news about your Pip. Happy he's home.
I am glad he is safe.
Thank you for asking about me.
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