Tiny Tina is a little runt calico kitten who doesn't seem to be growing at all. She is frozen in kittenhood. I just love her. She tries to ride around on top of my foot all the time. When I come home from work she is so excited to see me...not just for cat food, but because she likes me. Tiny Tina will sit on my shoulder as I sew and manage not to fall off (those nails are good for holding on - ouch!) I took the Sherburne way home to stop at the discount furniture store. The two sofas I bought last June are shredded. Okay, so they were on the way out the door to Catholic Charities for battered women when I bought them from a used furniture store. They lasted a year and that was all I expected. We live on our sofas, humans and canines. I found a couple of "cheap" sofas I liked at this place, but they are a fortune compared to last year's sofas...but oh, so pretty. One is an off-white fabric with a crewel-work design. The other is red and white plaid. I can get a guaranteed protective coating for $50. I don't have any choice on that one. If I get a sofa like that, and I need two, I would make a slipcover for it. I love slipcovers. There are lovely untailored slipcovers in the movie "Pride and Prejudice" complete with fancy trims. We'll see. Every sofa equals a hay delivery, and I have to start buying hay for next winter soon. Can you believe it? It's raining now and the sheep don't want to come out. Chris came out fine, poor thing, with his crippled back leg. It can't be good for his spine to be twisted around with that leg. He seems to be doing fine but I worry...School was okay today. I tested a spunky funny kid in the morning and afternoon. He was fried at the end and I was cross-eyed myself (I was the reader and scribe). More testing into next week then it's over. I'm going to do some chores then sew a little then wrap some soap then make dinner. It flies by. I'm already looking forward to bed time.
Maggie, not that you asked me, but I vote - Yes on the sofas. Get the. We deserve pretty things. They make life easier.
Thanks, Henya! I love pretty things. When I moved to the farm things got a little "basic." I'm slowly getting back to normal life (what's that?) and those pretty things I left behind...and sofas are very important. They are great islands the family rests on, like an oasis in a busy day.
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