I called and spoke to Annie while up at the pond. Hannah loves the cowgirl boots Jan gave me to give to her. Jan bought them 20 years ago to attend an ATT convention out West and never wore them. They've been in the box these 20 years waiting for a pretty girl to take them over. They even fit with a pair of socks. Mia sent Hannah a couple of new outfits, one of which she'll wear out to her birthday dinner at Appleby's tonight. The pond was lovely, with lots of little colorful wild flowers dotting the fields around the pond. I felt woozie and weird all day today. I proctored my student with his Regents test all morning, then helped grade tests in the afternoon. I thought I would take the long way home and see my friend, Candace, at Hamilton Whole Foods. She had yarn she spun for me waiting to be picked up. We had a nice visit and I got my fabulous bulky thick 'n thin yarn. Why do people who have the least give the most and rich people are so stingy? I guess that's why they are rich and generous people are so poor. I'm so fortunate to have such good friends like Candace here in CNY. She has such an upbeat and optimistic outlook on life that's just contagious and makes me feel like what I am doing might not be so insane after all. Got home and climbed the hill with the doggies and decided I don't feel so bad after all. Hannah and Luke coming in ONE WEEK and there's lots to do to get ready for them.
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