Very slow at the market. Colgate Univ. is gone for the summer. I spent my earnings at Tractor Supply in Hamilton on rabbit feed, sheep minerals, dog and cat food. I was able to visit with Candace and pick up some gorgeous yarn she spun for me. I'll knit a winter coat for myself with it. She's spinning some of the colorful fiber for me to take to NJ in two weeks. I adore her thick and thin bulky which I cannot possibly duplicate. I met a lot of really nice friendly people, as always, and enjoyed the "affirmation" I receive for my work. Did not sell a single bag today, but still can't wait to sew some more. I really should get a life. My professor friend came by and asked again if I remembered the fabric I used to make her daughter's bag. The daughter, who lives in England, met her in California and was carrying the bag I made. I have NO idea what that bag looks like, and surely can't remember it. The nice professor wants one just like it, the same size. I should have asked her to take a picture of it and send it to me. I explained I use remnants to keep the cost down and rarely have very many of one bag. Don't know if she got it. A nice lady who bought a bag last week brought it back to tell me it's too heavy. It's light as a feather, but she's just been through chemotherapy and thinks it's too heavy. She wants me to take the snap frame out and put a button on it with a strap. I told her fine, sure I would. After everything she's been through I want her to be happy. Many people looked at my Caribbean Cruise Knitting Bag, which I think is gorgeous. When I talked to Candace half way through the morning she had only had one jewelry sale. I'm not surprised. When you listen to the doom and gloom on TV people are afraid to spend any money. I heard some sad stories like the woman who said she and her brother had to sell their flock because they couldn't feed them over the winter, and another story about some shepherds who borrowed money to start their farm, couldn't make payments and lost the whole business. So sad. I think I'll go let the sheep out to graze, grab one to hug, and sink into the chair and close my eyes...
I know that you always have the prettiest booth at the market!!! love you, can't wait to see you.... when/why are you coming to jersey in 2 weeks?
Your bags are so pretty and practical. I know, I love mine.
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